Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Just Like Chewbacca

I just noticed that my legs are pretty hairy - in fact, much hairier than I remember them being. Looking at them right now, I'm not sure if it's that the hairs are longer than they were before, thus giving the illusion of higher hair density or if the actual number of hairs/in^2 has increased. Maybe it's both, or maybe I've just remembered incorrectly or am thinking of someone else's legs.

In any case, I'm on the verge of whipping out a magic marker and a ruler and counting + measuring hairs.

AAAAaaannnnd the results are in! After marking off 1 square inch of leg with a ballpoint pen and a ruler, I counted 49 hairs (including the hairs that were on the line on two of the four sides of the square). Average length was ~0.75".

So, if you catch me with my pant leg rolled up or in shorts and see a random square drawn on my right calf, you'll know why :)

We'll take another measurement in a year or so . . . if I remember to do so (might need a reminder from you guys).

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