Monday, January 01, 2007

I'm not sure how I pulled this one off, but I managed to sprain my right big toe in my sleep last night. I'm not sure it's actually a sprain, but it definitely feels like one.

Everything was fine last night before I went to bed, but I woke up at ~4AM and I thought to myself, "Self, my toe is really sore!" I moved around a bit and found that if I positioned my foot in such a way that no lateral pressure was applied to the toe, I was golden. So I did that and went back to sleep.

I've currently got my foot in a tub of now tepid water under my desk. w00t.

In other news, VisionShock's Gala 2007: Interesting? But no crazy making out w/ random people at midnight (you guys probably would have guessed w/o me telling you). Still a good night though, all things considered.

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